Peer-Based Thesis Writing

Thesis writing often considered a lonely process can be very collaborative too. Hence it would be wise to spend some time and effort on building a peer group. When you write with your peer group you can have them review your writing. Your writing may seem lucid and comprehensible to you, but your peers on reading them may be able to point out the loopholes. Have a peer review of your dissertation is the most effective way of making your writing more engaging for the readers. Peer to peer collaboration is key in helping you prepare for a presentation before your lab mates for department colleagues or your thesis committee meeting. It is always advised that your review your work, but it is also beneficial to have a fresh set of eyes review your work as well. 

Writing a dissertation is a complex, enduring process which takes a lot of investment of your resources. Abate the compounding effect of this stress by collaborating with the right group of peers. You can use your peers as a soundboard to discuss different strategies for quick and thorough writing. As you stay on track of your thesis writing, you feel motivated and energized to perform even better. Peer review will result in constructive criticism which will help you analyze your own writing. Is your writing too verbose? Are there too much alliteration? Does your sentence have a convoluted construction that makes it incoherent? When you are alerted about the flaws in your writing you begin to realize the expectations from your audience. And you are sprucing up the grammar and style while you are religiously following the structure and format of an academic discourse.

In today’s day and age, technology has come to our rescue. There is no need to meet at the same library or at the same coffee shop to discuss your peer review. It is now possible to connect with your peers remotely. Among the most popular are Skype video calls and Google Hangout. You can meet your peers at any time of the day when it is convenient for all of you. The collaboration will give rise to multiple points of view which will make your thesis sharper and well-rounded. It is best not to be defensive about feedbacks. As you refer to the comments while reading your thesis, you get a better understanding of how to write your thesis effectively.

Category : Thesis
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