Overcoming the Writer's Block while writing your Thesis

Many writers have faced the misery named ‘Writer’s Block’. Which may have caused a halt to their writing task for some time period. And you cannot just ignore it, it may lead to severe consequences for a person pursuing a PhD. If you are also facing some sort of writer’s block, it is advisable to go for Ph.D. Consultants in the UK, who will guide and motivate you to overcome it. 

You may have come across a number of Ph.D. Consultants in the UK, who would have explained to you about a Writer’s Block but none of them would have explained to you how to overcome it. This is why Ph.D. Gurus has come up with this post and provide you with some tips to overcome the pain of writer’s block. 

Ph.D. Gurus is a Ph.D. Consultants in the UK whose aim is to provide services to the academic students in the UK. Our range of services includes consulting, thesis editing and you can even Hire Statistician Online from us. 

Speaking of the topic, let us begin with explaining Writer’s Block

Writer’s Block: Explanation

A condition in which a writer gets stuck and is not able to continue with writing and/or a condition in which a writer is not able to write on a new topic, such a condition is said to be a ‘Writer’s Block’. This state is referred to as a serious state by some writers while some say ‘its a way one thinks’. Whatever the perception be, all writers agree on the fact that the writer’s block is a hurtful condition to be in and is very difficult to conquer. 

Writer’s Block: Causes

Before knowing how to overcome it, we should first know its causes. Here are a few common reasons for Writer’s Block

  • Afraid:  Afraid of being rejected or being judged. Fear of delivering a Thesis that might just not up to the professor's expectations. Ph.D. Consultants in the UK have seen many cases of Writer’s Block arising due to fear.
  • Excellence:  Everyone wants to be excellent in the work they do, isn't it? This fear of not delivering a perfect thesis is one of the major causes of Writer’s Block.
  • Time:  Time is also one factor, people often write when they are in a good mood. But when the deadline is far away a thesis writer might not be stressed and may not be able to develop an idea to put into the Thesis. 

There are other causes of Writer’s Block, but the mentioned ones are the major and common ones.

How to Conquer Writer's Block?

Ph.D. Consultants in UK, Ph.D. Gurus have come up with a few tips to conquer your Writer’s Block. Here are they:

  • Establish a Writing Routine:  It is a fact that you cannot plan to be creative, it comes automatically. This causes a writing block in order to overcome it. A thesis writer has to develop a writing habit, he/she cannot wait for the creativity to flow out. Developing a schedule and sticking to it is a perfect remedy to overcome the block.
  • Sit Back and Relax on completing the First Draft:  As discussed earlier, many thesis writers have a fear of not being perfect especially when they have completed the initial draft they tend to develop a block on their own. If you constantly are frightened of not being perfect you’ll never be able to deliver a better draft. Once done with your first draft, Hire Statistician Online first in order to check your analysis, the writing part can be taken care of. Getting some words on the paper for the first time is itself an achievement, so sit back and relax.
  • Change your Writing Tool:  We all know, changing scenery lights up our mood, it's natural. But this time you need to change the tool that you are using to write your thesis. If you are using a Word document, change to Google docs, or trying using pen-paper or might just contact any Ph.D. Consultants in the UK to help you with some tool. Even a small change will help you bring quite a difference in your work. Eventually leading to improved productivity.
  • Use Social Media:  You must be wondering why social media, right? All social media will do is waste your time, but goofing around on social media will help you get some idea and you might even get some content that will refresh your mood.
  • Stop Following the Format:  It is not always you have to start from the beginning or start writing from where you just ended last time. Feel free to portray your ideas, irrespective of the format. Write down the limitations first, then go on and write the main body of the thesis. This technique of overcoming Writer’s Block is suggested by most of the Ph.D. Consultants in the UK.

With every tip shared, we would like to add up that there is no such hard and fast rule to overcome Writer’s Block, but tips mentioned above are penned by Ph.D. Consultants in the UK, try them out and let us know the change you find. If at all the tips didn't work, you can always go for Ph.D. Consultants in the UK and you will find Ph.D. Gurus at your service. 

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Category : Thesis
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